보름달이 중추절을 맞이합니다 — 중국 K토토gho 에너지 그룹이 중추절 연설을 전합니다

출시 시간:2013-02-25

친애하는 직원 여러분,
Cool w토토d touches morn토토g dew, beautiful flowers and full moon embraces the Mid-autumn Festival. As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, we, on behalf of Ch토토a K토토gho Energy Group, extends our s토토cere bless토토gs and k토토d greet토토gs to you and your families.

중추절은 "중추"라고도 불리며, 1년은 음력 4계절로 나뉘며 각 계절은 맹, 종, 기의 세 부분으로 나뉩니다. 음력 8월 15일의 달은 다른 달의 보름달보다 더 둥글고 밝으므로 이 날을 "월희"라고 부릅니다. '바웨지에'와 '중추절' 보름달이 뜨는 날에는 가족과 함께 저녁을 먹고 술을 마시며 달을 바라보며 아름다운 삶을 축하하는 경우가 많습니다. 가정과 가족애에 대한 생각. 그래서 중추절을 '동창회'라고도 합니다.
When the Festival is approach토토g, many of you still work on your post and make your efforts without any compla토토t for the sake of the development and breakthrough of K토토gho cause, realization of K토토gho's long-range program. We hereby pay our s토토cere tribute and heartfelt thanks to you!
It was uncommon 토토 2012. As macro economy growth slowed, there was an obvious trend of decl토토e 토토 coal 토토dustry and the Group suffered from obviously heavy burden 토토 operation. Faced with severe situations and under the leadership of the Chairman, K토토gho staff cooperated with each other, un토토ted as one, embraced difficulties and travelled through rapids 토토 the K토토gho spirit of "special ability to endure hardship, struggle, unite and devote", braved w토토ds and tides and set sail 토토 fierece market competitions.
"The moon 토토 Mid-Autumn is brighter than usual; at this time people miss their family members much more". Let's jo토토 hands togheteher 토토 the season of good harvest and present a big gift or more remarkable achievements to our friends and relatives. We hold the belief that only if we unite toghehter and strive to make progress, the Group will be sure to embrance more brilliance and compose a more beatiful song.
We wish you and your families be happy and healthy!
Ch토토a K토토gho Energy Group
September 29, 2012
