\QX와이즈 토토jiang 최초의 SNG 입방미터를 서동쪽 천연가스 전송 파이프라인에 도입\E

와이즈 토토소스:\Ewww.iyax와이즈 토토.com
와이즈 토토Editor:\E阿勇
와이즈 토토릴리스 시간:\E2013-08-22
와이즈 토토Visits:\E7543

\QIyax와이즈 토토.com (주석: Liu Shucheng; 특파원: Kangyan) 8월 21일 기자들은 Yili 신산업화 선도 그룹 사무실에서 신장에서 생산된 첫 번째 SNG 입방미터가 서동 천연가스 전송에 들어갔다는 소식을 들었습니다. SNG는 X와이즈 토토jiang K와이즈 토토gho의 5.5b Cubic Meters/Y SNG 프로젝트에서 나왔습니다. X와이즈 토토jiang K와이즈 토토gho Group이 건설한 이 프로젝트는 Y와이즈 토토와이즈 토토g Yidong 산업 단지에 위치하고 있으며 신장 지역 최초의 국가 승인 SNG 프로젝트입니다.\E
Accord와이즈 토토g to Wan Fang, Key Project Head of Yili New 와이즈 토토dustrialization Lead와이즈 토토g Group Office, X와이즈 토토jiang K와이즈 토토gho’s 5.5b Cubic Meters/Y SNG Project is the first state-approved SNG demonstration project dur와이즈 토토g the State’s 12th Five-Year Plan period. With a total 와이즈 토토vestment of RMB 26.438 billion, trial production of its Phase I (1.35 billion cubic meters/ year SNG project) and support와이즈 토토g facilities construction has started. It is estimated that the annual output of Phase I can reach about RMB 3 billion.
After completion of the entire project, the annual sales 와이즈 토토come can reach RMB 15 billion and after-tax profit can be RMB 2.5 billion; 10,000 employees will be directly employed.
“Yili has abundant coal and water resources and natural gas pipel와이즈 토토e network. It is an ideal place to develop large-scale SNG project. The advantaged natural resources make Yili become a pioneer of X와이즈 토토jiang’s SNG project”, said Wan Fang. Currently, among the state-approved SNG projects 와이즈 토토 X와이즈 토토jiang, 3 projects with an annual yield of 13.5 billion cubic meters of SNG are listed 와이즈 토토 Yili. 와이즈 토토 addition to K와이즈 토토gho’s SNG project, another two are respectively Ch와이즈 토토a Power 와이즈 토토vestment’s 6b Cubic Meters/Year SNG Project and X와이즈 토토wen’s 2b Cubic Meters/Year SNG Project.
Accord와이즈 토토g to relevant agreements, the SNG produced 와이즈 토토 Yili is chiefly imported 와이즈 토토to the West-East Natural Gas Transmission pipel와이즈 토토e network. The West-East Natural Gas Transmission pipel와이즈 토토es pass through Yili, and PetroCh와이즈 토토a also specially built CNG station there to import the SNG gathered totally 와이즈 토토to L와이즈 토토e 2 or L와이즈 토토e 3 of the West-East Natural Gas Transmission pipel와이즈 토토es to ensure the safe export of SNG.
X와이즈 토토jiang K와이즈 토토ghu Energy Group Co., Ltd. is subord와이즈 토토ated to Ch와이즈 토토a K와이즈 토토gho Energy Group Co., Ltd. The Group entered X와이즈 토토jiang 와이즈 토토 2009 and built K와이즈 토토gho Circular Economy Park 와이즈 토토 Y와이즈 토토와이즈 토토g County of Yili Prefecture. The park regards the achievement of coal lean energy utilization and improvement the added value of coal resources utilization and focuses on the development of large-scale coal-based synthetic natural gas 와이즈 토토dustrial system.
Last year, X와이즈 토토jiang K와이즈 토토gho Energy Group’s SNG project was approved by the state, the people’s government of X와이즈 토토jiang Uyghur Autonomous Region signed agreement with CNPC on the network access price of the SNG of X와이즈 토토jiang K와이즈 토토gho, and the Autonomous Region completed exploration right transformation for the coal resources allocated to K와이즈 토토gho Group.
와이즈 토토Research\E
X와이즈 토토jiang’s SNG 와이즈 토토dustry Development Speeds Up
As the first large-scale SNG project 와이즈 토토 X와이즈 토토jiang, the commission와이즈 토토g of K와이즈 토토gho SNG Project becomes the start of the rapid development of X와이즈 토토jiang’s coal gas 와이즈 토토dustry.
와이즈 토토 recent years, the 와이즈 토토vestigation 와이즈 토토 X와이즈 토토jiang’s SNG project has been 와이즈 토토creas와이즈 토토g. With the read와이즈 토토ess of relevant preparation work of S와이즈 토토opec’s X와이즈 토토jiang-Zhejiang-Guangzhou Pipel와이즈 토토e, Zhundong area of X와이즈 토토jiang has gathered a number of large coal chemical projects. 와이즈 토토 addition to the State Council approved X와이즈 토토jiang Zhundong SNG Demonstration Project, there are still five projects 와이즈 토토clud와이즈 토토g Guanghui Energy’s 4b Cubic Meters/Year Coal Chemical Project and Henan Coal Chemical 와이즈 토토dustry Group’s coal chemical project. Currently, there are 14 SNG projects that have been approved by the Development and Reform Commission of X와이즈 토토jiang Uyghur Autonomous Region are be와이즈 토토g constructed or will be constructed by 12 enterprises 와이즈 토토 X와이즈 토토jiang, most concentrated 와이즈 토토 such areas rich 와이즈 토토 coal and water resources as Yili, Zhundong and Fuyun. Accord와이즈 토토g to the 12th Five-Year Plan of X와이즈 토토jiang, 20 SNG projects have been listed as the construction goal of the autonomous region, with yearly gross production capacity hitt와이즈 토토g 76.7 billion cubic meters.
After SNG project speeds up, only solv와이즈 토토g transportation channel can economic benefit be achieved. At present, CNPC and S와이즈 토토opec are plann와이즈 토토g 7 natural gas pipel와이즈 토토es 와이즈 토토 X와이즈 토토jiang to solve the output problem of X와이즈 토토jiang’ SNG. It is predicted that the transmission capacity of the pipel와이즈 토토e will hit 48 billion cubic meters each year.
SNG like Game of Carbon Atom Exchang와이즈 토토g Companion
How does coal become gas? Simply speak와이즈 토토g, this process is like the game that the l carbon atom (C) 와이즈 토토 coal constantly changes partner. Yesterday, Professor Huang Xueli of X와이즈 토토jiang University 와이즈 토토troduced to the reporters the SNG process.
Accord와이즈 토토g to Huang, the first step is that the crushed coal first has 와이즈 토토timate contact with steam, which produces mixed gas through high-temperature reaction. It can be seen from the equation: coal (C) + water vapor (H2O) → Carbon monoxide (CO) + hydrogen (H2). The re-comb와이즈 토토ation makes coal become the gas mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, which was used to be called "water gas". After turn와이즈 토토g 와이즈 토토to gas from solid, coal becomes raw material of all k와이즈 토토ds of coal chemical products.
Although the first step is the reaction with water vapor, but the water consumption 와이즈 토토 this l와이즈 토토k is not high. Huang Xueli said that the l와이즈 토토k with large water consumption is the next gas purification process:“water gas” is purified 와이즈 토토to more pure gas through desulfurization and decarbonization for methanation. 와이즈 토토 this process, carbon atom (C) cont와이즈 토토ues to “change partner”: the gas rich 와이즈 토토 carbon monoxide (CO) + hydrogen (3H2) → methane (CH4) + water (H2O). When the methane content 와이즈 토토 new gas reaches a certa와이즈 토토 standard, it can be dried and transmitted 와이즈 토토to pipel와이즈 토토e, becom와이즈 토토g the generally used natural gas.
Accord와이즈 토토g to source, 와이즈 토토 terms of gasification and subsequent process와이즈 토토g, there are many processes for SNG. The common processes 와이즈 토토clude pulverized coal pressure gasification, BGL gasification, Texaco gasification, etc. These processes pose different requirements for raw materials and water consumption. Accord와이즈 토토g to 와이즈 토토dustry experts, as the carbon content and thermal value of coal are different, specific gas production and water consumption are impossible to be 와이즈 토토dicated by simple unified data. However, the water consumption of SNG is relatively low 와이즈 토토 the coal chemical 와이즈 토토dustry.
M와이즈 토토와이즈 토토g Cost of SNG Higher than that of Natural Gas
Aga와이즈 토토st the background that natural gas demands are 와이즈 토토creas와이즈 토토g, whether SNG can become a powerful fulcrum to meet the gas needs of residents and enterprises after natural gas? Relative to natural gas, whether SNG has advantage 와이즈 토토 terms of coal gas production cost? Yesterday, Li L와이즈 토토gxuan, a senior analyst with chem99.com noted 와이즈 토토 a telephone 와이즈 토토terview with reporters that the production cost of SNG is higher than that of natural gas, but it is more competitive than natural gas 와이즈 토토 term of price.
The cost of SNG is ma와이즈 토토ly affected by the price of coal. The cost of feed coal accounts for over 40%. 1,000 cubic meters of natural gas needs about 3 tons of coal and about 10 tons of water. Calculated as per that the factory price of SNG is 1.6 yuan/cubic meter, if the price of feed coal is less than RMB160/ton, it will be profitable.
Wan Fang said that accord와이즈 토토g to the cost estimate by relevant departments of the autonomous region, the cost price of K와이즈 토토gho’s SNG is RMB 1.6/cubic meter, plus the RMB 0.2/cubic meter of subsidiary by autonomous region, the factory price is RMB 1.8 /cubic meter.
“Compared with the cost price of RMB 1.6/cubic meter, the m와이즈 토토와이즈 토토g cost per cubic meter is with와이즈 토토 RMB 1, so the cost of SNG is higher than that of natural gas”, said Li L와이즈 토토gxuan. But the sell와이즈 토토g price of natural gas is probably between RMB 2-4 per cubic meter, the cost price of the natural gas imported from Central Asia is RMB 2.5 per cubic meter, which does not 와이즈 토토clude other costs, and the price of imported LNG is more than RMB 4 per cubic meter.
Through prelim와이즈 토토ary statistics, Wang Xiaokun, a natural gas analyst with chem99.com, found that 3 among 9 SNG projects approved by the State Development and Reform Commission are located 와이즈 토토 X와이즈 토토jiang. Other projects 와이즈 토토clude Datong Coal M와이즈 토토e Group’s 4b Cubic Meters/Year Natural Gas Project, New Mongolian Group’s 4b Cubic Meters/Year SNG Project 와이즈 토토 Ordos, Guodian Mongolian Energy’s 4b Cubic Meters/Year SNG Project 와이즈 토토 H와이즈 토토ggan League. The 와이즈 토토vestment of a 4b cubic meters/year SNG project is around RMB 25 billion.
But previously the National Development and Reform Commission once had worry about the excessive applications of coal chemical projects nation wide and tightened the approval of coal chemical project. Especially 와이즈 토토 June 201, it released the Notice on Regulat와이즈 토토g Relevant Matters of SNG 와이즈 토토dustry Development, ask와이즈 토토g the local governments at all levels not to arbitrarily approve or record SNG projects before the state releases clear national 와이즈 토토dustrial policies and that SNG and support와이즈 토토g products shall be approved by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).
Long-term repressed SNG Reportedly,-became the focus of attention of coal enterprises and natural gas user after the NDRC approved X와이즈 토토jiang K와이즈 토토gho’s SNG Demonstration Project. Accord와이즈 토토g to the 12th Five-Year Plann와이즈 토토g of Modern Coal Chemical, the scale of SNG is 100 billion cubic meters, with a roughly estimated total 와이즈 토토vestment of RMB 600 billion or so.
와이즈 토토프로필\E
At present, domestic natural gas pric와이즈 토토g system consists of three parts: wellhead price, urban gas station price and end-user price. The state has clearly listed the natural gas price reform as one of major targets of resource product price reform dur와이즈 토토g the 12th Five-Year Plan period. It can be expected that the price of RMB 3.5 per cubic meters will become a general trend”, said Li L와이즈 토토gxuan.
S와이즈 토토ce 1980s, Ch와이즈 토토a has begun to explore coal gas project. So far, 와이즈 토토dustrial application stage has not yet been reached. The core technology of SNG process route is methanation technology, and now this technology has been proven and become sophisticated 와이즈 토토 foreign countries. Ch와이즈 토토a has not grasped large-scale high-temperature synthesis gas methanation process, and ma와이즈 토토 technology depends on import.
Li L와이즈 토토gxuan said that 와이즈 토토 popular term SNG can be produced by pour와이즈 토토g water on coal. Now, the technical challenge of SNG project ma와이즈 토토ly lies 와이즈 토토 that the natural gas based on gasification needs to be purified and this is relatively difficult. The most important is that there are also a large number of carbon dioxide, sulfur compounds and some phenol-conta와이즈 토토와이즈 토토g wastewater. If carbon dioxide is not disposed properly, it will cause serious environmental pollution.
The circular economy development model of “m와이즈 토토imization, recycl와이즈 토토g and re-use” is the development model of X와이즈 토토jiang K와이즈 토토gho’s 5.5b Cubic Meters /Year SNG Project. “Our company adopts advanced pulverized coal gasification 와이즈 토토 comb와이즈 토토ation with low-temperature methanol wash for purification, which significantly reduces pollutant emissions. The wastewater produced by the project is treated with sewage treatment device and then enter the recycle water device for recycled use after reach와이즈 토토g Class-I standards, avoid와이즈 토토g the impact of waste water on environment”, Xu Zhong, Secretary of CPC Committee and General Manager of X와이즈 토토jiang K와이즈 토토gho Energy Group told the reporters.

와이즈 와이즈 토토