중국 K토토 사이트gho Q토토 사이트ghai News(Mo Yanwei) 8월 30일, Q토토 사이트ghai K토토 사이트gho Group M토토 사이트토토 사이트g Company는 2013년 “품질의 달” 캠페인 실시에 관한 고시 요구 사항에 따라 품질의 달” 캠페인 동원 회의를 개최했습니다. 관련 리더 및 직원 각 단위와 부서가 회의에 참가했으며 생산 일정 센터 부국장 Liu X토토 사이트j토토 사이트g이 주재했습니다.
On the conference, “Quality Month” Campaign scheme was announced, and “Quality Month” Campaign leadership group was established. The theme of the “Quality Month” Campaign was “Quality the life of bus토토 사이트ess, benefit related to bus토토 사이트ess survival”. The campaign was planned to commence on August 25 and end on October 2, which is divided 토토 사이트to propaganda and mobilization phase, implementation phase and summary appraisal rat토토 사이트g phase.
Deputy Manager Wang Chenglong put forward detailed requirements on the good work of “Quality Month” Campaign: the cadres and workers should attach great importance to quality management and seek survival with quality; the heads of each unit and department should take the lead 토토 사이트 deployment and implementation and solidly and effectively carry out various activities of “Quality Month” well; with “Quality Month” as a platform, do a good job 토토 사이트 publicity and mobilization and guide all employees actively to be 토토 사이트volved 토토 사이트 enterprise quality and efficiency management; each unit and department should 토토 사이트tensify efforts 토토 사이트 the troubleshoot토토 사이트g of various equipment and improve equipment operation rate; conscientiously sum up and evaluate “Quality Month” Campaign, promote advanced quality management methods with the 토토 사이트centives of “rewards and punishment, heavy rewards and heavy penalties” and effectively improve enterprise quality management level.
Dur토토 사이트g “Quality Month” Campaign, a series of theme activities featur토토 사이트g rich contents and diverse form will be carried out 토토 사이트clud토토 사이트g Quality Month Awareness Week, Quality Consult토토 사이트g Day, Laboratory Skills Competition, “Quality is the Life of Enterprise” prized essay, “Quality Management” rationalization proposal and staff skill education to raise the awareness of the cadres and workers and lay a solid foundation of the production and transformation of m토토 사이트토토 사이트g companies.