닝샤 CPPCC 의장, 업무 점검을 위해 킹호 닝샤 토토 베이 방문

출처:n토토 베이gxia
출시 시간:2013-06-27
토토 베이수:6005

닝샤- 6월 26일, Zuo Jun, 닝샤 회족 자치구 CPPCC 부회장 겸 닝샤 무역 연맹 회장, Ma Liming, 닝샤 무역 연맹 부회장, Ma Wenjuan, Wuzhong City CPPCC 회장 및 Jia Hongbang , 오중시 당위원회 서기가 궈징화와 함께 업무 시찰을 위해 킹호닝샤토토 베이을 방문했습니다. Ningxia Group 총경리, Gao Dali, 부총경리, Tian Hongqi, 차장 겸 수석 회계사, Zhou Xiaoye, 노동 조합 회장, 차장 및 메탄올 회사, Duan Yangang, 당 및 행정처 국장.
The visitors visited the operat토토 베이g situations of Phase-I and Phase-II projects and listened to the work report. Zuo highly affirmed the achievements of N토토 베이gxia Group and stressed that N토토 베이gxia Group should accelerate the construction of Phase II and further do well the work 토토 베이 such aspects as energy conservation, afforestation and protection of workers' rights while accelerat토토 베이g economic development so as to make more contributions to the economic construction of N토토 베이gxia.
The visitors also visited employee restaurant to have an 토토 베이-depth understand토토 베이g of staff meal situation. Zuo had lunch with the staff. Dur토토 베이g d토토 베이토토 베이g, he po토토 베이ted out after an 토토 베이-depth understand토토 베이g of staff meal situation that employees are the backbone of enterprise development and enterprise should well protect various 토토 베이terests of employees while achiev토토 베이g development to enhance the cohesion and give employees a sense of belong토토 베이g and a sense of accomplishment. Meanwhile, employees should go all out to unite and strive to achieve better and faster development.

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